New Features

Digital Measures continues to make improvements to its software.

  • New User Interface.  In December 2015, Digital Measures will have a new user interface.  A few new features you will see:
    • A clean, elegant look and feel.
    • Updated navigation and in-line user help for a user-friendly and intuitive experience
    • A brand new Run Reports utility, streamlining what were formerly the Run Custom Reports and Run Ad Hoc Reports utilities
  • Search. You will find a search bar at the top of the Manage Activities screen. Use the search bar to quickly access a previously entered item.
  • Import Publications. You can now enter citations exported from RefWorks, EndNote, Zotero, Mendelay, Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus, or Web of Science. To do so, click on the Import Items button at the top of the Publications/Intellectual Contributions summary screen.
    A dialog box will open.  Make your selection for which type of file you will upload, and follow the directions in the box.
  • Handling Maiden/Alternative Names. If you have items that were published using a different name, or one of your co-authors published under a different name, you can now type names as you would like them to appear in the Authors box.  This feature is active on all screens with Author boxes. See details.
  • NIH and NSF Biosketch Reports. As part of deploying the NIH and NSF Biosketch report, Digital Measures put in place the NIH and NSF Biographical Sketch screens for users to designate information that should be included when the biosketch report is generated. The reports are generated using up-to-date report requirements.

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