Video showing the School of Education and the Arts, Health, and Education that makes up the school

Learn, lead, and innovate at one of the best schools of education in the nation


Rank among schools of education in the United States


Departments in the School, which span the arts, health, and education


Alumni network has graduates in all 50 states and 80-plus countries

Learning Connections now available

Learning Connections cover featuring Dean Haddix looking to the left, smiling

The latest edition of Learning Connections — a magazine for alumni, friends, faculty, and staff of the UW–Madison School of Education — is now available online. Our winter 2025 issue introduces the 10th dean of the School of Education, Marcelle Haddix, offering a window into her scholarly and personal history and her first months as dean. In this issue, we’re also proud to showcase how our Art Department alumni, faculty, and students are innovating and reimagining how we experience art and design. Other stories share noteworthy personalities and exciting achievements across our programs in the arts, health, and education.

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