School of Education Staff Innovation Grants

The Dean’s Office in the School of Education (SoE) seeks to reward the ingenuity and dedication of SoE university and academic staff through Staff Innovation Grants. The Staff Innovation Grant seeks to provide staff members with funds to develop and/or expand exciting and innovative initiatives and/or pursue professional opportunities that will have a positive impact on the SoE community. Proposed projects or professional development opportunities should not be able to be funded through existing professional development resources or School and university awards and grants. The SoE Staff Innovation Grant is available to both individuals and teams of staff members.

Deadline to Apply: February 17, 2025 

Apply Now

Learn more at a virtual information session
Tuesday, January 28
via Zoom


  • Appointment level: SoE university and academic staff who hold a 50 percent or more appointment level.
  • Time employed at UW–Madison:
    • For individual grants, eligibility after three years of employment at UW–Madison.
    • If a team is applying, it is an average of three years among the team members.
  • All applicants’ most recent performance evaluations need to be “meeting expectations.”
  • Supervisory approval of all applicants.
  • Supervisors must approve release time to complete the proposed project. Academic departments that need assistance to cover instructional time for academic staff who teach should contact Adam Nelson, senior associate dean in the School of Education.
  • Funding requests are up to $10,000 per individual or team. We anticipate funding at least eight to 12 projects per year.
  • Up to $1 million in funding will be available until 2030; during that time, the Dean’s Office will review the program periodically to assess its effectiveness.

Proposal Criteria

Proposals for the SoE Staff Innovation Grant will outline which criteria the grant meets. Different proposals will meet different criteria. There is not an expectation that each proposal speaks directly to all the criteria.

  • Evidence of professional and personal impact.
  • Evidence of capacity to carry out the project.
  • Evidence of innovations, organizational improvements, or new efficiencies related to job responsibilities and unit goals.
  • Evidence of impact on the SoE community (for example, promoting connections among staff, strengthening relationships with schools, potential for scalability, or growth of the project).
  • Equity, diversity, inclusion, and justice focused proposals are encouraged.

Review Committee

  • The review committee is appointed by the dean.
  • The review committee will include seven staff, with at least three from the Wisconsin Center for Education Research.
  • The review committee will have representation across position types; including both academic staff and university staff.
  • All review committee appointments will be for three years.
  • The review committee will review proposals and make recommendations to the dean. The dean will make the final decision.

Need help?

Administrative support for the Staff Innovation Grants is being provided by Stacey Lee, Associate Dean for Education, and Kevin Hage, Executive Assistant to the Dean’s Office. They can help answer any questions you may have.

Spring 2024 Staff Innovation Grant Recipient

Daniel Rortvedt

Poetry & Occupation: A Transdisciplinary Collaboration Initiative

Spring 2023 Staff Innovation Grant Recipients

Jenna Rogers

Automation of Mentorship Evaluation System

Kaycee Rogers and Lisa Velarde

Collaborative Knowledge Communities: Incorporating Arts-based Storytelling for Fostering Sense of Belonging in Adolescent Newcomers

Mark Olson and Mariana Castro

Strategic Preservice Teacher and Teacher Educator Learning: Mixed-Reality Simulations for Eliciting Student Thinking

Kelly Kwiatkowski

Dance Video Stories for Recruitment and Development

Michael Dixon

School of Education Buddy System

Cindy Kuhrasch

EnCourage-Empowering Educators to Create Authentic, Engaging, and Supportive Learning Communities

Peter Kirschmann, Yorel Lashley, Sandra Taylor-Marshall, Stephanie Richards, and Lisa Barker

PLACE Education Advisory Council (PEAC)

Annalee Good, Molly Garner Carroll, and Latoya Holiday

Teachers as Policy Agents — Research Partnership and Workshops

Jason Erdmann

SoE Onboarding and Offboarding Process Improvement

Spring 2022 Staff Innovation Grant Winners

Assessing Teacher Candidate Development through Socially Just Community Engagement

Grant Recipients: Kaycee Rogers, Mark Olson, Tom Owenby, Joey Lubasi, Dawn Lemirand-Poepping & Jennifer Murphy

Staff Innovation Award Group 1

Department Administrators Toolbox

Grant Recipients: Heather Good & Jennifer Krug

Staff Innovation Award Group 2

Graduates Impacting Their Communities: A Documentary Series

Grant Recipients: Sarah Maughan, Todd Finkelmeyer and Felipe Gacharna

Staff Innovation Award Group 3

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