Mollie McQuillan, an assistant professor with the School of Education’s Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, is one of three UW–Madison investigators who have been awarded a 2020 Advancing Health Equity and Diversity (AHEAD) Pilot Program grant.
McQuillan was awarded a grant for her research project investigating the work experiences and health of trans workers in K-12 schools.
The AHEAD initiative is a program of the ICTR Collaborative Center for Health Equity and engages participants from multiple fellowship and postdoctoral training programs in the School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH), as well as other early stage investigators pursuing health equity research across the UW–Madison campus.
Stephanie Budge, an assistant professor with the School of Education’s Department of Counseling Psychology, serves as AHEAD program faculty director.
Learn more about AHEAD and this year’s grant recipients, here.