New book co-edited by UW–Madison’s Hillman spotlights civil rights and higher education

Offering “a renewed vision for higher education policy making,” a new book that is co-edited by UW–Madison’s Nicholas Hillman with Gary Orfield of UCLA will be published in February by Harvard Education Press.

Book cover for Civil Rights and Federal Higher EducationTitled “Civil Rights and Federal Higher Education,” a publisher’s preview notes that the book “focuses on federal policy debates that have significant racial and socioeconomic implications, linking civil rights reforms to contemporary higher education policy issues.”

“Through a mix of history and current events, the chapters highlight how policy has strayed from the Higher Education Act’s intended trajectory of promoting and protecting civil rights,” the preview adds. “This drift, the editors show, has created far-reaching consequences for students of color, low-income students, and incarcerated students, in addition to the colleges that serve them.”

Hillman is a professor in the School of Education’s Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, and the director of the Student Success through Applied Research (SSTAR) lab. Orfield is a Distinguished Research Professor in the UCLA Graduate School of Education, and co-director of UCLA’s Civil Rights Project.

Sameer Gadkaree, president and CEO at The Institute for College Access and Success, has praised their new work as, “a thoughtful volume that describes how decades of federal policy and politics have calcified racial inequity in our higher education system — and the work that lies ahead to make it fair and accessible to all.”

Learn more on the Harvard Education Press website.

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