Talk on assessment and equity with University of Colorado’s Shepard available online

A talk on assessment and equity held on Oct. 30 with the University of Colorado-Boulder’s Lorrie Shepard is now available to view online.

Shepard, the University Distinguished Professor and Dean Emerita with UC’s School of Education, researches psychometrics and the misuse of tests in educational settings. Her technical work has contributed to validity theory, standard setting, and statistical models for detecting test bias.View the video here

Her lecture was titled, “When, If Ever, Can Assessment Foster Equity?”

Her research studies on test use have addressed the identification of learning disabilities, testing for kindergarten readiness testing, teacher testing, effects of high-stakes accountability testing, and most recently the use of classroom assessment to support teaching and learning.

The talk, centered around the question of assessment and equity, was hosted by the School of Education’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction and Department of Educational Psychology, with support from the Sorenson endowment, the Center for Research on Early Childhood Education, and the University Lectures Kemper K. Knapp Fund.

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