Four School of Education projects receive Baldwin Wisconsin Idea grants

Four projects led by School of Education faculty and staff are among eight projects and 12 seed grants awarded this year through the Ira and Ineva Reilly Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment. These projects show the range of how UW–Madison faculty, staff, and students can collaborate with community members to co-create and share knowledge and solutions that will benefit and enrich the lives of the people of Wisconsin, the nation, and the world.

One project with School of Education ties received a larger Project Grant of up to $120,000. It is:

Whoopensocker teaching artists perform a young author's story
Whoopensocker teaching artists perform a young author’s story

A Whoopensocker of an Arts-based Literacy Program

This project, led by Erica Halverson, a professor in the School of Education’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction, and Megan Monday, director of education for PBS Wisconsin, will take the existing Whoopensocker artist-in-residence program and translate it into a series of media resources that will be part of the PBS Education series.

Learn more here.

Seed Projects

In addition, three projects led by School of Education faculty and staff received seed grants of up to $4,000. They are:

Building A Physical Activity Program to Increase Access, Inclusivity, and Well-Being in Adolescents

This project is led by Morgan Shields, academic program manager in the School of Education’s Department of Kinesiology, with student Yadira Aleida Ortiz.

Community-based Adoption of a Mobile App for Adaptive Horseback Riding for Children with Autism

This project is led by Beth Fields, an assistant professor in the Department of Kinesiology, with Benazir Meera, a research associate in the Department of Kinesiology.

Creating Equitable Sports Opportunity (CESO) in Wisconsin

This project is led by Maria Dehnert, research program coordinator for Intercollegiate Athletics, with Peter Miller, a professor in the School of Education’s Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis.

Learn more about all of the project receiving seed grants, here.

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