The School of Education’s Mitchell Nathan is among the 26 UW–Madison faculty winners of the 2022-23 Vilas Associates Competition.
The competition, from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education, recognizes “new and ongoing research of the highest quality and significance.”
Tenure-track assistant professors and tenured faculty within 20 years of their tenure date are eligible.
Nathan is a Vilas Distinguished Professor in the School of Education’s Department of Educational Psychology. His research is largely rooted in cognitive, embodied, and social perspectives on learning and instruction in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields. He also examines the nature of learning, teaching, and representations in both their internal (intra-personal) and external (inter-personal) forms as they serve meaning making, individual and group design, reasoning, and problem-solving in mathematics and engineering.
Recipients of the Vilas Associates Award are chosen competitively by the divisional research committees on the basis of a detailed proposal. Winners will receive research salary support for the summers of 2022 and 2023, as well as a $12,500 flexible research fund in each of the two fiscal years.
The award is funded by the William F. Vilas Estate Trust.
Learn more about all of the 2022-23 winners of the Vilas Associates Competition.