Raczek presents ‘COVID19 / Together,’ utilizing generative motion typography

UW-Madison’s Kendra Raczek has created a virtual exhibit on her website titled “COVID19 / Together.”

Raczek is currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in computer science, while also studying studio art, graphic design, and digital studies with the School of Education’s Art Department. Raczek aims to blend the worlds of computer science and graphic design in her work.

Covid19 Together
Check out Kendra Raczek’s generative motion typography work in action by visiting: https://kendraraczek.wixsite.com/personal/covid19-together

This project came about during the class, “Art 448: Creative Coding for Graphic Design,” taught by Assistant Professor Yeohyun Ahn. Raczek’s work uses generative motion typography to capture the binary between fear of the COVID-19 virus and the healing power of togetherness.

Raczek presents the work in black, representing the spread of the virus, and white, representing healing and hope, but viewers may click the mouse to change these colors to red and green, respectively.

Raczek adds that by incorporating user input, she hopes to reflect on the idea of individual influence on the pandemic and the consequences, good or bad, that our actions may have.

Make sure to check out Raczek’s generative motion typography work, “COVID19 / Together,” here.

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