The Academic Planning Council (APC) is one of the School of Education’s two major standing committees that monitor and oversee program planning and development within the School and between departments; the other committee is the Programs Committee.
All new undergraduate and graduate program proposals, program revisions, and new or revised courses originate within program areas and/or departments and must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate departmental committees before being brought to the appropriate committee of the School of Education.
The APC has the responsibility, as mandated by Section 3.08 of the Faculty Policies and Procedures, for advising the dean on departmental requests for approval to plan new programs and degrees. Membership of the council is composed of one faculty member elected by each department; two academic staff members elected by academic staff in the School of Education; the dean; and a member ex-officio, who serves as chair. The primary criteria used by this committee when reviewing departmental requests are the allocation of resources, the appropriateness of the proposal within the context of the mission of the department and School, and the long-range implications of the program.
Following approval by the Academic Planning Council and the dean, the departmental request is forwarded to the provost for review by the appropriate individuals and committees (University Academic Planning Council, Graduate Faculty Executive Committee) at the campus level. If approved, the request to plan is then forwarded to the Office of Academic Affairs, University of Wisconsin System. (The highest level of approval required for new centers, certificates, submajors, and similar entities is the University Academic Planning Council.) Departments do not proceed to develop a new major or degree until UW System approval to plan has been received.
The council is also responsible for the periodic review of existing programs at all levels, as mandated by the Board of Regents. Sample guidelines for a program review have been developed by the University Academic Planning Council. However, departments may have a unique situation or set of circumstances that are better served by an idiosyncratic program review.
In these cases, departments establish their own criteria and method of inquiry and define the manner in which the report will be submitted to the School’s Academic Planning Council. These individualized program reviews must be approved by the School’s council before the department embarks upon its self-study. The program reviews may result in suggestions to departments for program or course changes; in addition, the council will be interested in enrollment trends, long-range implications of the program, faculty/student ratios, costs per credit, allocation of departmental resources, and other indicators of program quality and effectiveness.
Roster for the 2024–2025 Academic Year
- Adam Nelson
(Dean’s Office) - Cindy Waldeck (Academic Planner)
- Sarah FitzSimons (Art)
- Steve Quintana
(Counseling Psychology) - Matthew Berland
(Curriculum and Instruction) - Natalie Zervou
(Dance) - Pete Miller
(Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis)
- Nancy Kendall – Spring Semester
(Educational Policy Studies) - Craig Albers
(Educational Psychology) - David Bell (Kinesiology)
- Susan Smedema – Spring Semester
(Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education) - Colleen Conroy
(Theatre and Drama) - Sarah Schaefer (Academic Staff, Service Unit)
- TBD (Academic Staff, Arts)
- Kelly Hayek (Academic Staff, Education)
- Sharon Gartland (Academic Staff, Health)
Ex Officio Members:
- Christina Klawitter (SoE Student Services)
- Marianne Spoon (Communications & Advancement)
- Barb Gerloff (SoE Student Services)
- Sara Alva Lizarraga (Dean’s Office)
Meeting Materials
2024-2025 academic year
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
May 7
April 16
March 12
February 19
January 22
December 11
November 20
October 9
A. Consent Agenda
a. September 2024 Meeting Minutes
B. Items for Action or Discussion
a. Dance MFA Full Authorization
b. Suspension and Discontinuation: CP-WW: Cooperative Program with UW Whitewater
September 18
A. Consent Agenda
B. Items for Action or Discussion
2023-2024 academic year
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
May 15
A. Consent Agenda
B. Items for Action or Discussion
a. SoE Policy on Satisfactory Academic Progress in Graduate Degree Programs
c. Program Review: EPS PhD, MS, and Graduate Minor – Response
April 17
A. Consent Agenda
a. March 2024 Meeting Minutes
B. Items for Action or Discussion
a. Discussion Item: Delta Certificate
b. Discussion Item: SoE Policy on Interdepartmental Cost- and Revenue-Sharing for Fund 131 Course Instruction Policy
c. Discussion Item: SoE Policy on Satisfactory Academic Progress in Graduate Degree Programs Policy
March 20
A. Consent Agenda
a. February 2024 Meeting Minutes
B. Items for Action or Discussion
a. Notice of Intent: Dance MFA
b. Program Change Proposal: Education Studies – name Change
c. Structure Change Proposal: Counseling Psychology – CIP Code Change
d. Discontinuation Proposal: Elementary Ed/Special Ed Named options
e. Program Review: Game Design
February 14
A. Consent Agenda
B. Items for Action or Discussion
a. New Program Proposal: Adapted Physical Education Minor
b. New Program Proposal: Undergraduate Certificate in Dance Education
c. New Program Proposal: Graduate Certificate in Education Law and Civil Rights
d. New Program Proposal: Graduate Certificate in Instructional Coaching
e. Discussion Item: EPS Program Review Committee Report
f. Discussion Item: How to Get in Project
January 17
This meeting has been cancelled. Please contact the SoE Dean’s Office with any questions.
December 13
A. Consent Agenda
B. Items for Action or Discussion
a. SoE Policy Proposal: Liberal Studies/LAS Requirements
b. Request for Support – New Structure Proposal: Notice of Intent: BS/BA Public Policy
c. Request for Support – Notice of Intent: BFA Illustration at UW Stout
d. Request for Support – New Program Proposal: Graduate Certificate in Planning and Design Technologies
November 15
This meeting has been cancelled. Please contact the SoE Dean’s Office with any questions.
October 18
A. Consent Agenda
B. Items for Action or Discussion
a. New Program Proposal: Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis – Educational Specialist
b. Request for Support – New Program Proposal: BS in Design, Innovation, and Society
c. Request for Support – Notice of Intent: BA/BS in Korean
d. Request for Support – Notice of Intent: BA/BS in Public Policy
e. Liberal Studies Policy and Cross-listed courses
September 20
This meeting has been cancelled. Please contact the SoE Dean’s Office with any questions.
2022-2023 academic year
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
May 17
This meeting has been cancelled. Please contact the SoE Dean’s Office with any questions.
April 19
March 22
A. Consent Agenda
a. January 2023 Meeting Minutes
b. February 2023 Meeting Minutes
B. Items for Action or Discussion
a. New Structure Proposal: PhD 768EDU and MS769EDU Kinesiology: CIP Code Change
b. Program Discontinuation Proposal: GMIN568: International Education
c. Program Discontinuation Proposal: GMIN904: Science Education
February 15
A. Consent Agenda
a. November 2022 Meeting Minutes
b. Program Change Proposal: EED 387: Elementary Education (Parent Plan Submission)
c. Program Change Proposal: SPE 101: Special Education (Parent Plan Submission)
B. Items for Action or Discussion
a. Discontinuation Proposal:387MCEEAEE: Middle Childhood through Early Adolescence/Special Education Dual Cert
b. Discontinuation Proposal: 101MCEASP: Middle Childhood through Early Adolescence/Elementary Education Dual Cert
c. Program Change Proposal: School of Business PhD Restructuring
January 18
A. Consent Agenda
a. November 2022 Meeting Minutes
B. Items for Action or Discussion
a. Graduate School Listening Session: Presenter: Parmesh Ramanathan, Associate Dean, Graduate School
December 14
This meeting has been cancelled. Please contact the SoE Dean’s Office with any questions.
November 16
A. Consent Agenda
a. October 2022 Meeting Minutes
B. Items for Action or Discussion
a. New Program Proposal: World Language Education
b. Discontinuation Proposal: Middle Childhood through Early Adolescence/Content-focused Minor
c. Discontinuation Proposal: Early Childhood/English as a Second Language
d. Discontinuation Proposal: Middle Childhood through Early Adolescence/English as a Second Language
e. Discontinuation Proposal: Communication Sciences and Disorders
f. New Program Proposal: MS Data, Insights, and Analytics
g. EdX Update
h. Discussion: Administrative Changes to academic standing for summer term
October 19
A. Consent Agenda
a. September 2022 Meeting Minutes
B. Items for Action or Discussion
b. New Program Proposal: Elementary Education and Special Education, BSE
c. New Program Proposal: Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, EdS
d. Program Change Proposal: Capstone Certificate in Spanish-English Bilingual Bicultural Education
e. EdX Update
September 21
A. Consent Agenda
B. Items for Action or Discussion
a. SoE Grievance Policy and Timeline Analysis
b. One-Year Contracts for Tenure-Track Faculty in years 4, 5, and 6
c. Letter of Support for WSB Notice of Intent: MS in Business – Data, Insights and Analytics and Notice of Intent
2021-2022 academic year
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
May 18
A. Consent Agenda
B. Items for Action or Discussion
a. Department response to Rehabilitation Psychology, BS review report
April 20
This meeting has been cancelled. Please contact the SoE Dean’s Office with any questions.
March 9
A. Consent Agenda
B. Items for Action or Discussion
a. Scholar Record Presentation
b. Academic Staff Representation on SoE APC
c. Teaching Professor Guidelines
d. Rehabilitation Psychology BS program review (self-study, attachment 1, attachment 2, and review committee report)
e. Discontinuation Proposal: MFA 971EDU: Theatre and Drama
February 16
A. Consent Agenda
B. Items for Action or Discussion
a. Updated Teaching Professor Guidelines
b. Academic Staff Representation on SoE APC
c. Program Change Proposal: KNS 768 Kinesiology
d. Suspension and Discontinuation Proposal: EMS: Exercise & Movement Science
e. Program Change Proposal: MS 768EDU: Kinesiology
f. New Program Proposal: Applied Exercise Science
g. New Program Proposal: Motor Control and Behavior
h. New Program Proposal: Biomechanics
i. New Program Proposal: Exercise Psychology
j. New Program Proposal: Physical Activity Epidemiology
k. New Program Proposal: Exercise Physiology
l. New Program Proposal: Occupational Science
m. Program Change Proposal: PHD 768EDU: Kinesiology
n. New Program Proposal: Physical Activity Epidemiology
o. New Program Proposal: Exercise Physiology
p. New Program Proposal: Exercise Psychology
q. New Program Proposal: Occupational Science
r. New Program Proposal: Biomechanics
s. New Program Proposal: Motor Control and Behavior
January 19
A. Consent Agenda
B. Items for Action or Discussion
a. L&S Request for Support: New Program Proposal: MS – Data Engineering
b. L&S Request for Support: New Program Proposal: MS – Data Science
December 15
A. Consent Agenda
b. Suspension and Discontinuation Proposal: GMIN864: Rehabilitation Counselor Education
c. Suspension and Discontinuation Proposal: GMIN101: Special Education
B. Items for Action or Discussion
a. New Program Proposal: Certificate in Social Justice and Education
b. Discontinuation Proposal: MS 720EDU: Occupational Therapy
c. Program Change Proposal: OTD 720EDU: Occupational Therapy
i. Suspension and Discontinuation Proposal: 720OTDPSTP: Post-Professional
d. Program Change Proposal: MS 283EDU: Educational Psychology
i. Suspension and Discontinuation Proposal: 283MSESSP: Educational Specialist in School Psychology
e. L&S NOI: MS – Data Engineering
November 17
A. Consent Agenda
B. Items for Action or Discussion
a. New Program Proposal: Certificate in Preparing to Teach Abroad
b. New Program Proposal: Capstone Certificate in Spanish-English Bilingual-Bicultural Education
c. L&S New Program Proposal: Statistics: Applied Statistics, MS
October 20
A. Consent Agenda
B. Items for Action or Discussion
b. L&S New Program Proposal: BS/BS in Information Science
c. Dean’s Office response to SoE APC self-study report
Related materials: SoE APC Self-study, SoE Committees Profile, APC Calendar Draft
September 15
A. Consent Agenda
b. 2021-22 APC Policies and Procedures
c. Fast track proposal: MS in School Psychology
d. Fast track proposal: PhD in School Psychology
B. Items for Action or Discussion
a. School Psychology
i. New Program Proposal: MS in School Psychology
ii. New Program Proposal: PhD in School Psychology
b. New Program Proposal: Wisconsin Idea Principal Preparation
c. New Program Proposal: Certificate in International Development and Education
d. New Program Proposal: Certificate in Global Cultures, Languages, and Education
e. Program Change Proposal: MA 279EDU Educational Policy Studies
i. New Program Proposal: Educational Policy Studies
ii. New Program Proposal: Research and Evaluation for Equity
f. Response to UCC cross-listed courses report (Addenda 1, 2,and 3 )
2020-2021 academic year
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
May 19
Consent Agenda
Items for Action or Discussion
a. Teaching Professor Guidelines
b. Graduate Certificate in Bilingual Psychological Services: Esperanza
c. Elementary Education Program Changes
d. Special Education Program Changes
e. SoE APC Self-Study (Appendices)
f. Thank you for your service this year!
April 21
Consent Agenda
Items for Action or Discussion
a. Madison College Transfer Agreement
b. L&S Notice of Intent: BA/BS in Chican@ and Latin@ Studies (For information/discussion)
c. L&S Board of Regents Authorization Document: Bachelor of Liberal Studies in Applied Social Science (For information/discussion)
March 17
Consent Agenda
Items for Action or Discussion
a. Curriculum & Instruction: Secondary Education MS program review
i. External Review Committee report
b. Curriculum & Instruction PhD and Research MS program review
February 17
Consent Agenda
Items for Action or Discussion
a. Madison College to UW-Madison Teacher Education Transfer Agreement
b. New Program Proposal: MS in Sports Leadership
c. New Program Proposal: Certificate in Arts and Teaching
d. Deactivate World Language Majors, Minors, and Pre-Majors
Call in +1-312-626-6799
January 20
This meeting has been cancelled. Please contact the Dean’s Office with questions.
December 9
Consent Agenda
Items for Action or Discussion
a. The APC will discuss the review mandated by Faculty Policies and Procedures 3.08:
“At intervals which shall not exceed five years, the elected faculty members of each council shall review its structure and functions to assess its effectiveness as a faculty voice and its compliance with Faculty Policies and Procedures 3.08. The self-study report shall be submitted to the dean, the faculty of the school or college, and to the University Committee.”
i. 2020 SoE APC Policies and Procedures
ii. 2016 SoE APC Self-Study Report
iii. 2016 L&S APC Self-Study Report
b. Plans for January APC meeting
Call in +1-312-626-6799
November 18
Consent Agenda
b. Deactivation of TCH Codes and change to use of transcript text for educator preparation programs (list of active TCH Codes)
Items for Action or Discussion
a. MS in Sports Leadership Notice of Intent
b. Certificate in Dance Studies
c. Bachelor of Liberal Studies Notice of Intent
d. Bachelor of Information Science Notice of Intent
Call in: +1-312-626-6799
October 21
Consent Agenda:
a. May 2020 Minutes (Open Session & Closed Session)
b. Policies & Procedures document (Summary of changes)
Items for Action or Discussion:
a. Enrollments
b. Input on Draft of Impact 2030 Scholars Program
Call in: +1-312-626-6799
September 16
This meeting has been cancelled. Please contact the Dean’s Office with questions.
2019–2020 academic year
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May 20
Join by phone for Open Session
+1-415-655-0001 US Toll
+1-415-655-0001 US Toll
Access code: 926 224 917
April 15
Consent Agenda:
Items for Action or Discussion:
March 25
Meeting cancelled.
February 19
Consent Agenda:
Items for Action or Discussion:
January 15
Meeting cancelled.
December 18
Meeting cancelled.
November 13
October 16
Consent Agenda:
Items for Action or Discussion:
- Notice of Intent of Intent — Education Specialist Degree — School Psychology
- Pilates Certificate Program Review
- UW-Madison Academic Program Governance Approval Process & Timeline
September 25
Consent Agenda:
Items for Action or Discussion:
2018–2019 academic year
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
May 15
April 17
February 27
January 16
Consent Agenda
Business Agenda
- School of Education Academic Program Structures and Requirements
December 19
Consent Agenda
Regular Business
- World Language Program Suspension
- New Named Option: MS-Special Education Research and Theory (printable pdf)
- New Named Option: MS-Special Education Teacher Certification (printable pdf)
- Program Change: BS-Theatre and Drama (Removing Accreditation) (printable pdf)
- New Certificate: Certificate in Theatre (printable pdf)
November 21
Consent Agenda
Items for Action or Discussion
- Ethnic Studies Requirement
- New Certificate Proposal: Promoting Activity for Diverse Abilities
- Program Suspension: World Language Education Program
- Discontinuation of Latin Minor